Combining Technique, Technology and Training to achieve the highest level of success


JJ, Or

During the peak of my seasonal allergies I could not be outside for more than 10 minutes without breaking into a sneezing fit or wanting to scratch my eyes out.  It was awful and I had to be on Flonase or similar for 8-12 weeks a year.  I learned how to clear my seasonal allergies, which have been an […]


I made peanut brittle for the holidays last week and sampled my fair share.  That night, I had a bad reaction to it (sour stomach, diarrhea and intestinal gas).  I cleared the peanut brittle in the morning.  That night I had another sampling and had no adverse reaction.  The next night, I had my fair share of […]


I did not realize I had any allergy symptoms until I started using the medallions. My allergy symptoms included PMS, tightness in my right mid back, intermittent neck pain, occasional motion sickness. I am able to alleviate all my symptoms using the tapping and postural corrections with the medallions. I feel more empowered, inspired, integrated, and whole. I have […]

“After two knee surgeries, I was in extreme amounts of pain and could only do half of the things I used to. Since I started using the Bio-Resonator on my knee, I’m back to 100% with little or no pain!”

-Mike R.

“The Allergy Overload Method was something so far from my experience and exposure that it was a leap of faith to try it, and I was hopeful, yet skeptical, that it would work in any demonstrable way. At best, I assumed, there would be some placebo effect accompanied by some minor results, but I have been quite pleasantly surprised with how significant the results are and how indisputable they are. For many years, in Spring and early Summer, I could feel a measurable decrease in my breathing capacity while cycling or otherwise exercising vigorously. I would also experience continual post-nasal drip for months and would often have one or more colds between March and October, often with one serious one. With the exception of a short 1-2 day period when the fruit trees burst out this year and the grasses went to seed, I have been virtually symptomless this entire year. I have seen no adverse impact to my sports performance and have even seen how much less I have been impacted by allergies this year compared to my peers in my yoga classes. This is the real deal! Thanks, Dr. Nick!”

– Roger J.

“At least 7+ years ago I decided to relinquish my driver’s license since I would fall asleep without warning. Several times I almost caused an accident due to this. At my first visit with Dr. Lamothe we found I was allergic to my wife’s hair spray. After being desensitized to that I stopped falling asleep. Since then most of my health issues have been dealt with successfully. This does require a patient’s full cooperation and is expensive because insurance will not help. I’ve found that monthly visits meet my needs and I pick and choose from the list of 11 supplements I take based on Dr. Lamothe’s order of importance. Using the information provided by AMA health professionals along with results from Dr. Lamothe’s testing I feel in fair control of my quality of life going forward. With the pharmaceutical “influence” on our medical society I would be in very poor health without Dr. Lamothe’s help and maybe even needing assisted living conditions. As it is, I am full time employed.”

– Clare L.